City Futures Research Centre Arts, Design and Architecture

Innovation and change in the institutions of private rental housing: an international review

This research aims to establish the key lessons from institutional change in the private rental sectors (PRS) of comparable countries for enhancing sector equity, efficiency and effectiveness in Australia, including better outcomes for low-income households.

The project will provide policy makers with evidence-based learning on institutional change in comparable countries, which has had positive and/or negative outcomes in terms of PRS performance, conventionally assessed in terms of equity (fairness), efficiency (getting the maximum return from inputs) and effectiveness (achieving intended outcomes



Martin C; Hulse K; Pawson H; Kofner S; Hayden A; Stephens M; Schwartz A, 2018, The changing institutions of private rental housing: an international review, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Ltd, Melbourne, AHURI Final Report, 292, 10.18408/ahuri-7112201


Dr Chris Martin
Chief Invesitgator
Hal Pawson
Professor Hal Pawson
Associate Director
Prof Kath Hulse (Swinburne)
Dr Aideen Hayden (Parliament of the Republic of Ireland)
Prof Stefan Kofner (Zittau-Gorlitz University)
Prof Alex Schwartz (The New School)
Prof Mark Stephen (Heriot-Watt)

Leading organisation

University of New South Wales

Funded by

Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)

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