City Futures Research Centre Arts, Design and Architecture

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Defect Rectification

Navigating defects in strata

  • Are you a potential strata property owner worried about defects in apartment buildings?
  • Are you a current strata property owner who needs more information and support on how to rectify defects in your strata scheme?

Then this site is for you

Follow our step by step guide to identifying, documenting, reporting
and rectifying defects in strata schemes.

Watch an instructional video on how to use this tool here

The content of this website and associated information sheets provide general advice only. It does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should carefully consider the laws and circumstances applicable to your own defects rectification projects. While every care has been taken in the production of these documents, no legal responsibility or liability is accepted, warranted or implied by the authors, the City Futures Research Centre or Strata Community Association (NSW) and any liability is hereby expressly disclaimed.

This how to guide has been developed for strata residents and owners in New South Wales, Australia (NSW). If you live outside of NSW, you may still find this guide useful, but you will need to check the local laws, regulations and service providers that apply in your jurisdiction. The guide has been developed by Caitlin Buckle, Sian Thompson, Hazel Easthope, Laura Crommelin, Martin Loosemore and Bill Randolph at UNSW Sydney, with input from research partners at Strata Community Association (NSW), Strata Community Insurance, Australian College of Strata Lawyers (special thanks to Allison Benson), Lannock Strata Finance, Ross Taylor & Associates and the Owners Corporation Network of Australia. The research has been funded by Strata Community Association (NSW) and by Australian Research Council Grant LP170100126.

The City Futures Research Centre at UNSW Sydney is Australia’s leading urban policy research centre. Spanning the interrelated areas of urban planning, housing, design, development and social policy, our work aims to advance the understanding of Australia’s cities, their people, the policies that manage their growth, and their impacts on our environment and economy.

Strata Community Association (NSW) is the peak industry body for Strata and Community Title Management in New South Wales. Membership includes strata managers, support staff, committee members and suppliers of products and services to the industry. SCA (NSW) has in excess of 3,000 members who represent over 75% of strata lots in NSW by way of helping to oversee, advise or manage a combined property portfolio with an estimated replacement value of over $400 Billion. SCA (NSW) proudly fulfils the dual roles of a professional institute and consumer advocate. Contact: (02) 9492 8200 | |

© City Futures Research Centre, UNSW Sydney & SCA (NSW) 2020. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 licence. You may distribute, remix and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as you credit City Futures Research Centre and SCA (NSW). For more information visit

Leading organisation

Strata Community Association (NSW)