City Futures Research Centre Arts, Design and Architecture

Urban Growth in Penrith Stage 2: Planning for the Needs of Existing and Future Communities in Penrith

This report presents the findings of a two-part study that has focused on aspects of the potential for residential growth in Penrith.

The report will assist in the development of the Council’s response to current proposals from the NSW Department of Planning (DIPNR) that will lead to further substantial growth in residential housing in Penrith over the next thirty years and a significant increase in the number of higher density housing. The findings will also inform the current review of the Residential Strategy for Penrith.

In particular, the project seeks to identify characteristics of the emerging community profile of Penrith over the next 20 years and what will be their needs in terms of housing, type and location, as well as looking at future role of our “middle aged” and older housing and the social and economic consequences of alternative housing policies. What will happen to our older established residential areas in terms of continuing loss of population if there is no urban renewal stimulated by infill housing opportunities? As the stock of dwellings within multi-unit housing continues to be developed, there will be a trend for a proportion of that housing to be used increasingly for rental accommodation. The project aims to predict the social consequences of this trend and how should it be best managed. It will also provide an analysis of what is needed in order to provide for a diverse community, particularly in terms of adaptable and affordable housing, providing for older people and people with disabilities and lifestyle needs. What are the likely social implications (beyond housing need) of an emerging and diverse household mix for Penrith?

Summary of Final Report:

Penrith Urban Growth Management ReportStage 2 Summary Report

Final Report:

Penrith Urban Growth Management Report Stage 2 Full Report


Funded by

Penrith City Council

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