City Futures Research Centre Arts, Design and Architecture

Urban Health Data Connectivity Project

This project will look at developing connectivity between AURIN, NECTAR and RDSI e-infrastructure with a focus on health data. Health data is of great interest to the urban research, policy and decision-making community and this project will look at bringing in medical research data as well as health data available from the National Health Services Directory into the AURIN online workbench. The project will draw upon the already funded Australian National Medical Research Data Storage Facility and will look at making a subset of this data available via the AURIN workbench through connecting it to the AURIN geo-classification hierarchy.

This will be operationalised through the AURIN Sydney Data Hub managed by UNSW City Futures Research Centre and will utilise NECTAR and RDSI infrastructure developed and maintained by Intersect. An additional piece of connectivity work is required to also develop a client to the National Health Service Directory and make this data available to urban researchers, policy and decision-makers via the AURIN online workbench.



Peter Patterson
Chief Investigator

Funded by

Australian National Data Service (ANDS)

Collaborating partners

Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN)